Liti’s Forest School Memories


On December 13th, a remarkable chapter unfolded as the BOS Foundation released orangutans Liti, Cinta, Ojes and Wanto back into the wild! Liti and her friends are now safely moved into the Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Forest, Bemban watersheds. The air was filled with anticipation as four other orangutans— Tomang, Lala, Fajar, and Fathia— followed suit the next day, embracing freedom in the Hiran watersheds.

Read more about the release expedition: BOS Foundation Releases 8 More Orangutans into the Wild!

Throughout the entire process, Liti stayed calm and curious. As soon as the transport cage opened, Liti flew out, heading straight for the nearest tree. It was a moment of sheer joy and liberation, as she embraced her newfound freedom in the embrace of the lush wilderness.

We love you, Liti!!! Stay safe out there!

Help BOSF return more orangutans to the safety of the forest by supporting their wild journey!

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