BOSF Orangutan Retirement

BOS Foundation – Cage-Free Sanctuary Islands

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) manages two orangutan care centers – Nyaru Menteng in Central Kalimantan, and Samboja Lestari in East Kalimantan. BOSF cares for more than 400 orangutans between their two rescue centers. Between 150-200 of these orangutans are unreleasable. BOSF will provide lifetime care to every orangutan at their centers who are not able to return to freedom in the forest. In addition to daily care, BOSF is preparing large island sanctuaries, so that these orangutans get the chance to spend time in habitats that are CAGE FREE and closely resemble a natural forest and live as nature intended – in the treetops.

The Current Situation

Some BOSF orangutans are living on sanctuary islands. On the islands, the apes are provided with supplemental food twice daily, and they are monitored closely by the BOSF team. We are happy that many unreleasable orangutans have the opportunity to live in a forest-like environment. Unfortunately, there is limited space on the existing BOSF islands, and many more need to be created. At the Samboja Lestari Center, there are currently 15 islands. While some of them have orangutans happily living in pairs or small groups on them, other islands are not usable until they have repair work completed. The Nyaru Menteng Center currently does not have ANY islands for unreleasable orangutans. We are taking steps to remedy this!

What the Future Holds

BOSF has a very ambitious goal - to place ALL the unreleasable orangutans under their care onto sanctuary islands. Orangutan Outreach has committed to financially support BOS Foundation in the creation of 7 islands at the Nyaru Menteng Center! The BOS Foundation has acquired the land needed for the building of the new islands, and the work has begun. Soil and canal work is being completed and retaining walls are being constructed. As the islands take shape, appropriate fencing, roads, and other supporting infrastructure will be added to ensure the safety of the orangutans and the care teams.

Join our Efforts

As you can imagine, this is a very costly endeavor. Donations are desperately needed for the creation and operation of the BOSF sanctuary islands at Nyaru Menteng. PLEASE HELP US BUILD CAGE FREE SANCTUARY SPACE! Let's unlock the cages and move orangutans to island life!  We are grateful for your generous support.

Adopt an orangutan!

You can directly support the BOS Foundation retirement Program by adopting Papa for USD $15/month (or USD $150/year). Learn more on our adoption page.


Click on the image below to read about and adopt Papa.

Orangutans in Borneo Need Your Help!

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